PlusKit 4.0


  • Many UI updates.
  • PlusKit export speed improved.
  • Many many many crashes and exceptions fixed.
  • 21PlusKit now alerts users when they are running older versions of RapidWeaver that are incompatible.
  • 13PlusKit now works with RapidWeaver 7.1 lazy loading.
  • 19Loops in @imported pages are now detected and disconnected in RW 7.1 threaded publishing.

Thanks for upgrading to PlusKit 4.

If you have questions, comments, bugs, and crash reports, please post them to our Slack Channel:
YourHead Slack Channel

You can also post bugs, crashes, and features directly to our bug reporter here:
PlusKit Bug Tracker

Disabled Features

Every feature within PlusKit comes at the cost of some performance. Enabling every feature of PlusKit will slow down your exports dramatically. We’ve disabled several of the less-used features by default to help speed things up for most users.

New Enables

Some features within PlusKit 4 must be enabled specifically. For example: importing content from complex pages. This is highly discouraged and we wanted to make sure that users took the time to consider that they were using PlusKit in a way that is likely to produce more problems.


Some features have been removed to “Etc” — these features, like markdown processing and conditionals, are very rarely used, come with huge performance costs, and have alternatives that are far better. For example: use a Markdown page instead of using PlusKit to process Markdown in a Styled page.